Thank You for the Support!

Former Parker Mayor
Mike Waid
“I have known Josh for decades. He has always impressed me with his passion for Parker and dedication to serve ALL of the citizens of Parker. His countless hours serving our business community and citizens over the DECADES are truly unmatched. From graduating from Ponderosa High School, to opening and growing a family business (Fika Coffee House), to serving our will NOT find a better person to be Parker's next Mayor.”

Parker Resident & Chamber Member
Windy O'Leary
“As a long time "Parkeradian" I have always valued and cherished the Hometown Family community that I was raised in and have raised my family in. I truly believe that as our community continues to grow,
Mr. Rivero is the right choice for Mayor, to keep the citizens and businesses thriving with the same ethics and integrity Parker had when
I was growing up.”

Retired Parker Chief of Police
David King
“Hello Parker, I am sending this message to express my support for Josh Rivero who is running for Mayor. My name is David King, I had the privilege of working for the Town of Parker for 34 years. I worked at the police department and served as Chief of Police for my last 13 years before I retired. During that time, I worked close with the town council and the mayor. I had many interactions with Josh, and I can tell you that he was one of the most supportive and sincere people in Parker. He genuinely cared about the needs of the community and public safety. His support and commitment could be seen by his actions and not just his words. I never felt that Josh had his own interest at heart. I believe he was looking at the big picture when making decisions for the town. In my years of working for the police department and the town, I can say that Josh was definitely one of the best council members I worked with. I know he is the absolute best person to be the next Mayor of Parker."

Douglas County Commissioner
Lora Thomas
“For 8 years as a Douglas County Commissioner I have worked with Parker Councilman Joshua Rivero, whose first priority has always been serving the needs of the people of Parker. If you want your next Mayor to always put YOUR needs and the needs of Parker above those of special interests and selfish political agendas, Vote for Joshua Rivero!”

House District 44 Representative
Anthony Hartsook
“Joshua Rivero understands the importance of small businesses and community engagement. Joshua was a key supporter in the process to bring back the Parker Wine Walks. He showed incredible leadership and determination by rallying with the Chamber of Commerce and coordinating the needed support at the state level. Joshua also fought to keep funding for the Parker Police Department to ensure we have safe communities for our families and kids. That spirit of collaboration and dedication to service is exactly what our town needs. I know Joshua Rivero will continue to ensure our families and small businesses are safe and prosperous as Mayor. I am proud to endorse Joshua Rivero for Mayor."

Small Business Owner - Beautiful Art Picture Framing
Kelly Benson
“I am a Downtown Business Owner here in Parker. We have seen a lot of change over the years. Through different growth periods I have watched Josh at Town Council Meetings give eloquent speeches that made sense for Our Small Businesses and for our Community here in Parker, Colorado! He is a successful businessman and has a Great Crew at both of his FIKA Coffee locations! His Heart and Soul is embedded in our Community! I can't think of a Better Person to lead our Community as our next Mayor! Oh and did I mention how he was one of the driving forces to bring back the Wine Walks to not only our Community but to the whole state of Colorado through each and every Chamber of Commerce's!”

Small Business Owner - Petit Parker
Jill Callan
“I am proud to endorse Josh Rivero for Mayor. As a fellow business owner, I have witnessed firsthand his commitment to our community. He understands the challenges we face and has consistently championed initiatives that support small businesses, and enhance our quality of life. He is the ideal choice to lead our city into a prosperous future. I encourage everyone to join me in supporting Josh Rivero for Mayor. Together, we can build a stronger community for all.”

Community Leader
Leah Ryan
“I have known Joshua Rivero for more than a decade. I am happy to give him my endorsement as I truly believe Josh is a very level headed, considerate, caring and personable person in our community. Between seeing how incredible he treats his employees at Fika, to his considerate and responsible actions taken while on Town Council, I am confident that he will have the Town of Parker's best interest at heart and will do his very best to keep our community together. Thank you.”

Former Councilman
Scott Jackson
"I am writing this to express my support for Josh Rivero who is running for Mayor of Parker. My name is Scott Jackson, I served on Parker Town Council for 10 years and shared some of that time with Josh. I have maintained my friendship with Josh since my term expired and I find him to be smart, levelheaded, and dedicated to the Town of Parker. Parker needs a Mayor that can represent the town and carry the decisions of council forward to the citizens. Parker needs a Mayor that will not serve with their own agenda but strive every day to hear and listen to the citizens of Parker. Parker needs Josh Rivero as Mayor. I am asking that you make sure to mark your ballot for Josh Rivero, every vote does matter in local elections. Let’s make sure the right choice is made, and Josh gets elected as Mayor."

Former Councilman
Josh Martin
“I was fortunate enough to serve on the Parker Town Council with Josh from 2012-2018. His attention to detail and willingness to spend the time to fully understand all sides of the issues we faced was impressive. We may have looked at things from different perspectives often but we were able to collaborate, work together and help craft solutions that worked for the Citizens of the Town of Parker. People have a variety of motivations for seeking public office and I served with all types. Josh is a true SERVANT to the Citizens of Parker. That’s what I want in a Mayor and that’s why he will receive my vote in November.”

Former Parker Parks & Recreation Director
Jim Cleveland
"As Parker’s first Parks and Recreation Director and a part of the agency for 27 years, I worked alongside several council members. While some were focused solely on their individual agendas, Josh Rivero was always committed to the community and serving all of Parker. His collaborative and innovative approach resulted in numerous successful partnerships and strengthened our town. Most importantly, Josh is an excellent steward of the taxpayers’ dollars and works hard to understand and address the complex issues facing Parker. Josh Rivero is exactly what Parker needs right now, and I can’t imagine a better person to be Parker’s next Mayor."

Brandi Wilks
“As a 3rd generation Parker Native & local business owner as well as a Parker Town Councilmember, I endorse Joshua Rivero for Mayor of Parker as he is the Best Choice for Our Town & Our People! Setting aside Party Politics and truly being there for every single Parker Citizen is what separates him & makes him the ONLY choice for Mayor! He has & continues to give to this Town in so many ways & I am excited to see what he does for Our Town next!”

Former Councilwoman & Mayor Pro-Tem
Amy Holland
I have had the distinct privilege of volunteering and working closely with Joshua Rivero for well over 15 years on a local, regional, and state level. This experience has allowed me to witness firsthand his sincere compassion and dedication to the citizens and small business owners of Parker. Joshua approaches the town's most pressing issues with deep thought, never losing sight of the concerns voiced by the residents he serves. As a well-respected and collaborative leader who exemplifies integrity, fiscal responsibility, and effective communication, Joshua will implement these qualities towards establishing a responsible balance between your Town Councilmembers, Town of Parker Staff and the entire Parker community. Throughout his time as a Councilmember, Joshua Rivero has proven to be a true friend to the town's residents, and I have no doubt he will continue to do so as YOUR Mayor. Your vote is crucial in ensuring that our community is guided by a leader who truly cares. It is both an honor and a privilege to ask for your support in voting for Joshua Rivero as Mayor for the Town of Parker by or on November 5, 2024

Todd Hendreks
“As a 20-year citizen of Parker and for the past 4 years as a Town of Parker Councilmember, I fully support and endorse Joshua Rivero for Mayor of Parker. The Town of Parker needs a Mayor who is a Leader, not a Politician. Josh has dedicated himself to the betterment of the community for the past 16 years. The Town needs someone whom our Police, Public Works, other departments, staff, and most importantly, the citizens, can trust to do the right thing for Parker. This person should focus on the community's needs rather than their own political agenda. That person is Joshua Rivero.”

John Diak
“Josh’s commitment to our community is unmatched. Whether it’s organizing the Downtown Development Council to improve our Downtown, serving 12 years on Town Council or owning a successful small business that allows him to engage citizens and solve problems – Josh works every day to make Parker a better community. Josh’s work and leadership on numerous commissions are important to Parker’s wellbeing – working with our youth and senior communities, advocating for additional services for our citizens to regional organizations and bringing back millions to Parker to build out our storm water facilities. I have no doubt Josh is ready to take the next step - please join me in supporting Josh to be our next Mayor.”

Rotarian & Parker Resident
Nathan Devine
Dear Parker Residents, ATTENTION PLEASE, ACTION REQUIRED!!! I have had the opportunity to get to know Josh Rivero through our local homeowner's association and through our service together in the Cherry Creek Valley Rotary Club of Parker. As President for both in 2024, I routinely reached out to Josh for counsel as a past president for both organizations. Despite an incredibly busy schedule, he always made time. He always finds time to serve his community and to lend a helping hand. It is in his DNA and is precisely why he would make an incredible mayor for the Town of Parker. Please join me on November 5th in casting a vote for Josh Rivero. I promise you won't be disappointed!

Anne Barrington
As a 21-year Parker resident, business owner and fellow councilmember, I’ve witnessed Joshua Rivero's leadership first-hand, and there is no better Mayor for The Town of Parker. Josh has lived in Parker for 35 years, served on Town Council for 12, and owns two local coffee shops, showing his deep investment in our community.
He steps up for his community wherever he is needed, but his leadership as Chair of Cherry Creek Water Basin and his role on the Executive Board of the Colorado Municipal League ensures Parker’s voice is heard at the state level as well. What I admire most about Josh is his focus on what’s best for Parker…not party politics or personal gain. He’s always accessible, whether it’s answering a citizen’s call or offering mentorship to fellow councilmembers. There’s no one more qualified to be Mayor of Parker than Joshua Rivero.
Chamber Member & Parker Resident
Justin Rayburn
As an 18-year resident of Parker, and a loyal supporter of Fika Coffee House, I’m proud to endorse Josh Rivera for Mayor of Parker. His extensive experience on the Town Council, dedication to fostering community involvement, and his 16-years of local leadership experience make him the ideal candidate to guide Parker's future. His commitment to transparency, economic development, and enhancing quality of life for all residents ensures that Parker will remain a vibrant and welcoming place for families and businesses alike. With Josh as mayor, Parker's future is bright.

Chamber Member & Parker Resident
Kathy Calton
I am proud to endorse Josh Rivera for Parker’s Mayor. As a long-time resident and dedicated business owner in our community, Josh has consistently shown such commitment to our town. His presence at local events and active engagement with residents demonstrate his passion for making our community a better place. As a business owner, Josh understands the challenges that small businesses face and is willing to dig in and help create solutions for business owners. With his vision and experience, I am confident that Josh Rivera will lead Parker towards a brighter future. Let’s support a leader who truly cares about our community!

Small Business Owner Victoria Marie Jewelers
Theresa Hawkins-Garcea
I first met Josh Rivero over 12 years ago when I opened Victoria Marie Jewelers. I have witnessed Josh dedicate hundreds of hours to numerous Committees and organizations, from the Creative District Initiative to, Rotary Club, Downtown Business Alliance and Parker Chamber. He has been a tireless supporter of small businesses in Parker, working to bring the Wine Walks back to Downtown Parker. As a Council member He has always given thoughtful consideration to each issue and how it will affect all of Parker and it's Citizens. He will be a strong, insightful and inspirational Leader as Mayor of Parker. I am proud to support Josh for Mayor!

Chamber Member & Mrs. Claus
Kam Breitenbach
“Thank you Josh Rivero for all you do for Parker. I love that you are an honest business person in the Town of Parker. Fika Coffee gives people a place to visit with others to help people stay connected. Fika Coffee House at Idyllwild is a wonderful place for moms to get together and students have a place to stay out of trouble.
I have known Josh for many years as a fellow Rotarian. Josh was instrumental in taking the Rotary Community Corps (RCC) to a higher level. The RCC was a group for non-Rotarians to be a part of helping others without actually being a Rotarian. Josh worked tirelessly on changing that group to The Rotary Satellite Club of Parker – Cherry Creek Valley United. The Satellite Club members are now Rotarians. What makes this special?
This Rotary Club is the only Rotary Club worldwide for adults with developmentally disabled.
Josh has a passion for honoring South Metro Firefighters every September 11th. He gets Rotarians and himself to visit Firehouses on this date delivering breakfast for each firehouse. Josh honors our Fire and Police officers and works closely with both public service entities.
Josh is the one candidate that keeps his promises and doesn’t criticize other candidates.
Thank you, Josh Rivero for all you do for our community!”

Local Business Owner
Rob Owens
I wholeheartedly endorse Josh Rivero for Mayor of Parker. As a dedicated business owner, Josh has demonstrated a commitment to fostering local growth and supporting the community. His genuine care for the people of Parker is evident in everything he does, from advocating for small businesses to improving the quality of life for residents. Josh Rivero understands the unique challenges and opportunities our town faces, and he is committed to ensuring Parker remains a thriving, welcoming place for all. His leadership, passion, and dedication make him the ideal choice for mayor.

Former Chairman of the Parker Task Force
Steve Budnack
As the Chairman of the Parker Task Force I had the pleasure of working with Joshua Rivero for over 12 years. Josh absolutely understands the needs of our community and would always ask me how the Town could better as assist the volunteers at the Parker Task Force to succeed in helping our neighbors in need. But more importantly, when asked as an individual, he would simply say “How can I help?”. We would not be the food bank that we are today without Josh’s help and support, he truly puts the community first. Please join me in ensuring that Joshua Rivero is our next Mayor.

Local Parker Business Owner
SuzAnne Cortright
In my experience as a resident of Parker/the Pinery for 26 years and small business owner on Mainstreet for ten years, I have only met a handful of people who are truly committed to our community. Joshua Rivero is an amazing asset. Not only did he grow up here, he is raising his family here, with his lovely wife, and has two coffee shops where our towns people connect with one another. Many of the organizations Josh commits his time to are not regularly recognized. He has been part of the Douglas County Youth Initiative, Rotary, COUNTLESS fundraisers, DBA, and supports other small business’s.
I hope you choose to vote Joshua Rivero for Mayor.

Chamber Member & Parker Resident
Jon Rowlett
I’ve had the privilege of getting to know Joshua Rivero over the last few years through my involvement with the Parker Chamber of Commerce and the Cherry Creek Valley Rotary Club. I’ve witnessed a leader who cares deeply about the people in the Town of Parker. He’s demonstrated that leadership publicly in so many ways like working with the chamber to bring back Wine Walks. He also demonstrates it quietly in every interaction and volunteer effort he’s involved in. Joshua is a man of principle and character doing not only the right thing but going above and beyond when no one’s looking. Please join me in voting for Joshua Rivero for mayor.

Former Chair Parker Cultural and Scientific Commission
Board Member and Volunteer Parker Task Force
Diane F. Roth
Leadership: I first met Josh when I chaired the Town’s Cultural and Scientific Commission and he was a Town Council Member. The Commission asked the Council to permit beekeeping in the Town. At the Council Study Session, he led the discussion. He had taken the time to meet with local Parker back-yard beekeepers to learn the facts. I have attended many Town Council Meetings and when Josh speaks, people listen. Business skills: Josh had the vision to establish FIKA in Parker and while so many small businesses fail, his are thriving. As a successful small business owner, Josh has the financial and people skills to interact with Town officials and the citizens in his role as Mayor. Compassion: Josh understands and supports the mission of the Parker Task Force in helping neighbors in need. Community involvement: Josh is visible in the community in many capacities. As a Rotarian he lives the motto of “service about self.” I recall when I spoke to classrooms at an elementary school about the work of the Parker Task Force, Josh was at the school as a volunteer. Joshua Rivero prioritizes Parker over partisan politics. He has integrity. Support your community and Joshua Rivero for Mayor.

Local Business Owner & Attorney
Brian Taylor
As a small business owner and local Parker attorney, I am excited and honored to endorse Joshua Rivero for Mayor of Parker. I have known Josh for many years, and I continue to be impressed by his dedication and love for the Town of Parker. During my time serving as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Parker Chamber of Commerce, Josh went above and beyond to support not only our organization, but also the many small businesses that call Parker home. As a business owner in Parker himself, he knows the unique challenges that we face, and advocates accordingly. One of the things I appreciate most about Josh is that he is true to his word, and is a man of integrity. He will stand up and fight for our community and for our Town, and is not beholden to special interests or political influences. I am confident that Joshua Rivero is the best choice for the next Mayor of Parker, and I hope that you case your vote for him on November 5!